Wednesday, July 14, 2010

#123 Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites

Another rec from David.

I read that these guys were real pioneers in "dream pop" or "space pop" or something. I can see both the labels sticking, its all very ethereal, resting somewhere between the high-pitched reverbey vocals of My Bloody Valentine, and the moodier moments of late M83. Its a lot more propulsive and rocking than either of those reference points would suggest though. The bass is insistent, downright menacing at times, and the drums drive you into honest to god head bobbing, especially on standout pair Apocalypso and Special.

Its really in the last 3rd or so that the album runs out of energy. The rhythm section seems to lose its nerve, and the whispy vocals muse to themselves endlessly. Maybe its just that by then fatigue from endless endlessly layered arrangements has set in, or maybe that's where I'm supposed to be listening to the lyrics and wallowing in pathos, but I don't see it as an album I can endure front to back often. The vocals, in particular are eventually just too dissonant to take. The first 5 or so hits are awfully nice, it just gets to be a beating after a while 3.5/5

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