Saturday, December 18, 2010

#254 James Blake - CMYK

One of the few "albums" I hadn't heard on Pitchfork's top albums list was this set of 3 EPs.

I've always liked chopped vocals, and the title track starts off with a mission statement on the matter, not so much chopping the vocals as stirring them. One gets the impression of the voice as a viscous mass, with a stick stuck in, pulled up and around, pink taffy. Meanwhile skittery beats dance around, forming the baseline that would form the rest of this 3 ep series. The real highlight here is Footnotes, which has a great sense of stereo space, and this delicious buzzy synth part that seems incredibly alive, arriving, looking around, and fleeing. Its got more personality than a synthesizer ever should, seemingly existing as a sputtering electric pink faceless snake, like the Abyss snake made of electricity and sound. Its an impressive bit of evocation, something that really helps set this release apart from all those other "background music might revisit" electronic albums of this year. The last two tracks try to be a bit more airy, a bit more uprock, and it doesn't quite work for me. Still, mostly on the promise of the overall sound, and the strength of that one track's trick, its good for 3.5/5

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