Monday, September 27, 2010

#183 Flying Lotus - Pattern + Gird World

Got a good review on pitchfork - haven't listened to anything from them in ages! Cycle broken! Also, I didn't love Los Angeles, but it was intriguing enough to keep my ear to the ground.

The review on said site described this as being a more accessible Flying Lotus album, and that is downright accurate. For one, the pack of seven bite-sized songs is an easily digestible portion, whereas dense electronic music starts to wear me out in longer stretches. But the approach is more accessible too, and in my ears more enjoyable; I might even go so far to call this fun. Where his previous stuff was based more in texture and murk, here there are some honest to god melodies forming the skeleton, with the texture serving to rough up the edges, bend the angles, shuffle the rhythms and otherwise provide interest.

It undeniably evokes 8-bit video game music at times, with its buzzy, ringing tones and propulsive melodic pacing, but its a lot more interesting than that category usually implies - lots of subtle flourishes and twists underneath. Given that its not a genre I'm normally into, its more impressive than it sounds that I end up at the score I do - if you're into this kind of thing, add half a point 4/5

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