Tuesday, October 25, 2016

#2214 I Set the Sea on Fire - Sleep Now Suburbia

A throwback 2000's album (too soon?), full of Arcade Fire touchstones -- those boy/girl vocals, those musings of the suburbs (from the opening track to, well, the album title?) and generally being kinda sensitive and ok with it.

In a good way though! It's luscious good fun, packed with bursts of energy, the kinds of moments that make you wanna do that dance, where you kinda just put your head down and your arms up and jam 'em around with nervous-energy burnoff frisson. It's that Britishness, maybe, that sense for cutting to the Supergrass synapse that makes you blow off steam, riding up alongside those horns, popping with a decidedly American, downright pop-ska splintering of inhibition.

Actually you've got to give a lot of scenes credit. Which is to say : I don't come away from this debut with a sense of anything strikingly new, but its a whip-smart combination that'll scratch that seven year itch 4/5

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