Friday, July 8, 2016

#2087 DJ Shadow - The Outsider

What a mess.

It's not a _bad_ album exactly, but . . such a mess. It's fine that it's not Endtroducing. Really. But every time it finds an identity it undercuts it -- head to toe goth with a trucker cap, Coors light can, and a peace sign button.

For a while it's like DJ Shadow's party mix: soul flows into hip hop into bluesey meandering. That's cool. I was kinda getting into that.

But then there's a Jason Forrest-ready

And it tries to get back to hip hop,
but it spends 13 minutes in meandering crooning Lemon Jelly pop.

then back to hip hop.

When the fuck am I supposed to listen to this? Was this all just a middle finger?

No atmosphere, no flow, and even the actual songs are no great shakes, nothing I couldn't get better off an album dedicated to the craft.

Fuck it, I admit it, I admire its audacious idiocy - but it doesn't even really commit to the fuck you, undercutting album-wide convention-fucking by sounding, track-by-track, like its looking for any crack into a radio playlist. It's like a boyfriend that showers you with gifts,but none of 'em are really all that thoughtful.

Dammit, I just can't bring myself to really bury it. I have to admit, for all the messiness, I'd take sample-paella like this over a single-sound slab every time 3/5

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