Wednesday, March 23, 2016

#2083 Yo La Tengo - The Sounds of The Sounds of Science

Pernicious context comes in again to rob me of my joy, as I learn that the band was kinda roped into the entire project, didn't really watch the undersea documentary shorts these songs were to accompany all that much.

Cast it off, Baker.

Taken on their own:

Deeply meditative, mildly surfy, meekly funky, mostly formless tracks, moving as slow as slow can go, but undeniably beautiful, evoking the kind of motion that the sea affords -- less effort needed just to stay aloft than for us land folk, lessons to be learned there perhaps, as we're drawn to float, as if we could just by choosing. I cast off just in the relisten.

There's no other band that could do this quite like this, and there's magic in that.

No rush, just that groove, no gravity that demands deviation from the drift, a thing that just exists out there somewhere out of reach and aren't we glad to know it, just afloat 3.5/5

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