Monday, March 23, 2015

#1647 Courtney Barnett - Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit

She really is just about the greatest lyricist going, and I do say this as someone who mostly couldn't give a shit about lyrics and resents having to pay attention to them to get what's soooo grrreeat about Bob Dylan or some shmuck. But damn, her words are worth the attention, banging on with folky wry observationalism and rap wordplay for the sound of it. Throw in the fact that she pulls off this humble, shuffling persona (no folky pretention, no rap bravado) and it's a charmer.

The band mostly rumbles in some gear between roots and 90's underground, setting the stage and energy, though occasionally glorious melodies make the scene. It falters at the end, Debbie Downer sounds leftover and Kim's Caravan goes nowhere worth going, but those first 8 tracks are cracking good songwriting made real 4.5/5

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