Tuesday, September 9, 2014

#1405 The Dying Falls - Pheromones

Listen/buy here!

Double disclosure, I've probably seen these guys live a dozen times and hung out with them a handful.


Look, what this album hinges on is: can you deal with the fact that these guys sound wicked like the Strokes? If not, you're gonna prob have a probem.

But. But! If you can get pastit, this is a seriously fucking hooky piece of post-punk. If I can double down on the Strokes comparison, if this ended up being the Strokes second album instead of Room on Fire, I think that band woulda been better off.

No small praise.

Alls I'm saying is, if you're gonna sound like a band, at least outdo them. Or at least outdo their 2nd best album.

This is insanely hooky shit, full of places where the song breaks open - opened Finger Paint alone has two altogether different moment where new layers bloom and explode. Frontman Matt's little coughs, huh-s, asides -- all give it a loose Stonesian edge. good way.

And! Unlike 90% of Boston bands I see first live, this does a damned fine job of capturing what makes their hitchy, hooky show so damned worth seeing. Looseness abounds, and goddamn if that aint at the bloody beating heart of rock and roll.

Those opening little buzzes and oaahahoos of Distress, that opening rush of Sunday Night, and then, god, that synth kickin. One of the finest pop moments of the year. To say nothing of that sly Smiths nod. Goddamn. Killer track.

They're a terribly fun band if you let them be. Please do 4/5

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