Monday, March 4, 2013

#782 My Bloody Valentine - mbv

You should probably take away my indie card because outside of Sometimes I never though Loveless was all that great. I mean, it wasn't Soft Bulletin-overrated, but the dissonance always bothered me more than it blew me away.

For better or worse, I like this album a lot better. The structure winds mysteriously within songs and unknowably across them, and the layers and layers and layers of guitar noise are as intricate and brutish as ever. In particular, the crushingly heavy last few tracks bring power far beyond anything the band's done before, and you could get lost in the crackling details of Only Tomorrow for hours.

It's intriguing, unknowable, decidedly a MBV album, without being a retread. I'm curious about it even now, even as I'm not sure I want to brave its jaw-clenching dissonance and relentless pressure, even as I can't remember a note off of it I want to hear them all 4/5

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