Wednesday, January 23, 2013

#711 Turbonegro - Apocalypse Dudes

The late 90's and early 00's brought the rise of bands that blurred the line between winking mock hard rock and loving tribute hard rock and actual honest to god just straight up hard rock. Generally the rule was: the funnier the band was, the most sincere their actual love for rock was, and the better their actual albums were. Tenacious D? Actually funny, actually reverent, actually pretty good. The Darkness? Less so on every count.

An then there was Turbonegro, who sing about anuses and good head and whatever a Selfdestructo Blast is (a cousin of Explosivo?), all with fuckitall rock energy and the detached swagger of Iggy and Ziggy at their shoutiest. But I don't think they fit the pattern, because I don't think they're joking; I think this is actually how they like to rock, and you're just watching it happen. This was cemented at a Coachella set (do a shot) where the band seemed to be having fun, but not really trying to make us have fun, but accidentally doing it anyway. Which is a pretty good trick if you can pull it off, and they did there, and they do on the disc. Fun shit 4/5

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