Tuesday, January 1, 2013

#684 Bob Dylan - Another Side of Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan sucks. Can we just get that out there? I've now choked down every Dylan album of note and feel I have have some modest prerogative to get that off my chest. As I just got done saying, he's a lousy singer and a meandering songwriter and a passable guitar player. Lyricswise, he's a good version of the dude with a guitar at your undergrad beach bonfire, which is to say, still pretty bad. And if some dude at your undergrad beach bonfire got out his guitar and started singing and he sounded like this, you mean to tell me you wouldn't roll your eyes or boo or throw a half-full can of Coors Light at him?

Highway 61 Revisited has its moments, Blood on the Tracks is personal and affecting, and I was willing to give him a pass on his debut where a certain earnestness pushed me over, but here its back to the same insufferable moaning and rambling that I can't take it any more.

Are there clever turns of phrase? Sure. Was I suddenly, inexplicably made melloncholly by Ballad in Plain D? I was! And that's not nothing. But it's not enough 2/5

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