Monday, October 15, 2012

#621 Car Bomb - w^w^^w^w

Noisy. Pure thrash with scant few punches pulled, pull bore screams from hell, chuggachuggachugga fills, wailedupoon guitars, the whole 9 yards, wrung around angular and precise as I've heard done before, landing somewhere between a heavier Dream Theater and a more listenable Lightning Bolt. But then a twist, up sprout these those weird, sweet melodic moments, where vocals and instruments alike relent and show shimmering underbellies, not quite like anything I've heard on an album like this before. They're great moments.

But then, are these moments really that great or are they just rendered beautiful by their contrast with the wasteland from which they've sprung? A moment like Finish It's little closing "woo!" are remarkable in their ability to change the whole tone of the album in one second, a nightmare beast with a little gold star on its forehead. It's these moments of proof that Car Bomb could be pretty and fun if they wanted to be, but withhold in the name of mindcrushing, that give them a strange credibility.

And at least the aforementioned wasteland is a compelling one, full of undulating purple hills and aquamaroon skies and jagged creatures burned black by the end of endless lives. Not anywhere you'd want to live, not even anywhere you'd want to visit again, but a place whose very existence nests in the back of your mind, skittering around now and again 3.5/5

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