Saturday, May 21, 2011

#356 Blockhead - Downtown Science

God! Have been crazy with moving. Actually listened to this a week or two ago but have been blitzed. The project breaks down. But it will be back! This was one Nicole recommended when I was in SF.

This is an album of instrumental hip hop in the vein of DJ Shadow - it doesn't quite get that timeless ethereal passage into your brain that Endtroducing does, and it lacks some of Private Press's energy, but it comes closer than most everything else out there.

The finest moments are actually the less Shadowesque ones, with some quirky sample collages from the School of Handsome Modeling Boys, and some great RJD2 moments of outright rockism (the Art of Walking, the perfect, doubletime climax of Expiration date. It isn't quite rocking enough to get my blood pumping, and it doesn't quite get in my soul like Endtroducing, but its a perfectly enjoyable listen, with some good swerves along the way, and its found its way into my playlist surprisingly often so far 4/5

You might like this if: you like your instrumental hip hop a bit more Organ Donor than Long Stem, if you're willing to sacrifice some soul for a bit of toe.

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