Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Weird Exits

Well, here we are, three thousand, eight hundred and thirty-two entries later, give or take - a thought or two about every album I first heard in my thirties (plus a few extra months on the front). And hot goddamn we did it: an album a day, plus a few! But as I'm officially stamped Middle Aged, a baby on the way, a dozen other demands becoming more demanding, I do think this old lark's run its course.

It was fun! The last decade got me thinking more deeply about music, and the thousands of retroactive reads keep me painfully aware of how much I'll always have to learn.

And, look, I have no illusions about having any special talent as a writer, or the value of my increasingly-halfhearted wordplops to the random internet passerby. But if I led any of you four readers out there to a just one well-liked album you'd otherwise not have found? Well, that'd make me pretty happy.

And who am I kidding, I'll probably pop up here with an enthusiastic word or two when I find something especially fine to listen to.

Until then, may you chase your own idiot idea for longer than's remotely reasonable.



1 comment:

  1. This is/was an awesome project. Whenever I get a chance to listen to some music and I am in the mood for something new, I pop in, click on a random date, and dig in.

    Also, a testament to the power of doing a bit of a thing every day.

    Hope you & yours are doing well.
