Monday, August 5, 2019

#3509 Ty Segall - Deforming Lobes

4/5 a couple bars of riffing in, Ty stops the song, clarifies how a drum fill goes, apologizes, and the band kicks back in on the one. 15 seconds later, the fill comes. Budda-budda-budda-buppppa. Duly teased, it hits like fucking lightning.

And its the critical moment of the whole record, this moment of vulnerability, recovery, and  _payoff. A testament to how tight the band it, and how loose the sound feels -- its a thrill.

Segall's not a born frontman. His songs aren't _about much other than an excuse to stomp and shred. But that band's in top form here, so loud, so dedicated, 35 minutes is right. This isn't a concert experience, because that's not the sound. It's moment to moment to moment and that 8 songs is all it takes to give you the idea so

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