Friday, August 10, 2018

#3012 Sparks - Propaganda

Storming forward, full of power and retreat, at least as good as the much-acclaimed Kimono. That repetition. Finding some anthem and riding it, it's as bracing as any of Sparks' previous swerves. Utterly confident. From the martial stomp of Reinforcements, to the frantic searching of At Home/Work/Play, to the gallop of Achoo.


So confident our protagonist retreats from the public eye, now a reclusive magistrate, no worlds left to conquer, beholden to his own rules alone, and quite indulging, sashaying around his glass-walled home overlooking the ocean.


And we can't escape the sense of a concept, of a kidnapping, of control, of conflicting feelings, Stockholm and its inverse. What more perversely glamorous than capturing something glamorous and holding it in your hands?


And so nonsense spills anew. There's something in Sparks early output that reaches into your lizard brain and awakens your imagination, that brings you to spin tales, that reminds you that life can be imaginary and beautiful and perverse and what you make it, that your every thought spins a consequence. Inspiring, in all ways good and ill. Absolutely one of the lost bands in all of rock 4.5/5

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