Sunday, February 15, 2015

#1579 Jeff the Brotherhood - Dig the Classics

This 6-pack of previous-gen noiselover covers mostly just cranks up the fuzz on already noisy (wipers, teenage fanclub) and previously frail (colleen green, superearly beck) songs. It's a good summary of the changes in underground-ish rock: those tinny, gettinby days are gone and even the littlest bands seem ready to heave lightning from the godcrusher's garage. The result's are alright, a
"was this what you were going for?" doubleup of some obscure ditties that comes across effortless.

Covering //how// they did it legends like Pixies and MBV is tougher. There's a kitchen sink of knob torques on Gouge Away that add up to a ripping climax, but there's something so damned self-conscious about it. And trying to out-fuzz Come in Alone turns out pretty much how you'd expect.

It's a fun little gimmick this album, but it'd been better if it'd been consistently self-conscious or consistently overreaching. The combination's doesn't feel spontaneous or adventurous and a cover album's gotta pull at least one of those off 3/5

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