Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#1506 The Smashing Pumpkins - Monuments to an Elegy

Behold! The Smashing Pumpkins commemorative coin: a flat shiny bauble you can keep in your pocket to remind you of the real thing*. It's very definitely a lesser Pumpkins album, and yet! I actually rather like it - a svelte 32 minutes that's actually pretty hook-packed. It's the first time Billy's sounded loose, like he's having any fun at all, in decades; maybe expectations are finally so low he's not overreaching.

The lyrics are embarrassingly false-innocent coming out of a 47 year old's mouth, and some of the songs have nowhere to go, but dammit if Drum and Fife isn't a hook and a half, and Tiberius and One and All are like shitty Zeitgeist songs that have been training for a half-marathon. Imagine if this had come out right after Adore - a slim little rocker instead of an endless skyward deathspiral 3.5/5

* not that you asked, but:
Gish is the indie comic book
Siamese Dream is the movie
Mellon Collie is the theme park
Adore's the arty off-broadway theater production
Machina's the cashgrab 2nd movie
Zeitgeist is the straight-to-video 3rd movie
Oceania is the straight-to-video 4th movie where they like, go to space
Maybe a coin's a step in the right direction

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